7 Day Water Challenge is Here!πŸ’§

So, you want to do the water challenge? Great, me too! Let’s do it together.

30 water challenge jug idea

This is what we need to do…
First, get either a gallon water jug and write on it like this. You can also order a fancier version on Amazon if you want (the pink one is super cute!). It’s all up to you. I’m doing the free version.

I am doing the milk gallon container because it visually helps me to drink more. I can see it. Also, I don’t have to keep getting up to get more water (ain’t nobody got time for that!).

Who’s ready to see that Jlo glow?
Let’s start Monday, October 19th and end Sunday, October 25th.

If you want you can get the water tracker and the instructions on how we are going to do this download it below. Print it out and put it somewhere you can see it daily. If you post on Instagram or Facebook use the hashtag #angelasH2Ochallenge.

Here are a few water reminder apps to keep you on track too.
They make it way more fun and easy to do! I’m doing the Plant Nanny. You can pick your own plant/pot and it grows when you water it. Super cute!

Daily Water – free
Plant Nanny – fun
WaterMinder – $4.99

15 Benefits of Drinking Water:
β€’ Lubricates joints
β€’ Delivers oxygen to the body
β€’ Boosts skin health and beauty
β€’ Cushions the brain and spinal cord
β€’ Regulates body temperature
β€’ The digestive system depends on it
β€’ It flushes body waste
β€’ Helps maintain blood pressure
β€’ The airways need it
β€’ Makes minerals and nutrients accessible
β€’ Prevents kidney damage
β€’ Boosts performance during exercise
β€’ Weight loss
β€’ Reduces the chance of a hangover

I also want to make sure you know that I am cutting out coffee or any type of caffeine during this water challenge. I am only trying to drink water. You can alter this challenge to fit your needs, but remember you get out of it what you put into it. If you drink caffeine daily, you should consider taking that out during these next 7 days. It will go by faster than you think. So, NO caffeinated beverages of any kind for the next 7 days, ok???

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have at angelahider@gmail.com. Feel free to share this challenge with your friends so we can all stay accountable.

Cheers to peeing every 5 minutes! ✌️

Much Love,

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